
Versazyme® is the number one field-proven protease designed for optimum digestibility and feed cost management.

Versazyme degrades simple and complex proteins, including anti-nutritional substances naturally present in plant material such as Trypsin inhibitors, for superior protein and amino acid availability for poultry and swine. It can be used on diverse feed ingredients and in various diets including those containing fillers, DDGS, plant meals and other plant and animal protein sources.

3D structure of Versazyme enzyme

3D structure of Versazyme enzyme depicted in ribbon form with a short peptide molecule bound in the enzymes active site.

Product Information

Versazyme degrades a wide range of simple and complex animal and vegetable proteins. It improves digestibility of these proteins by 3.5-10 percent. This allows producers to reduce protein in diets which contributes to significant feed cost savings.

  • Poultry: 250-500 g/MT of feed through all phases of growth.
  • Swine: 250-500 g/MT of feed through all phases of growth.
  • Storage: Store in original sealed bag under cool dry conditions. Store <30°C.
  • Packaging: 10 kg HDPE lined bags

Superior Performance

Versazyme degrades proteins found in a wide range of feed ingredients and therefore helps producers optimize their feed by releasing the maximum digestible proteins and amino acids in all ingredients. It demonstrates proven premium performance in growing conditions around the world

Product Use and Stability

Versazyme is produced by a naturally thermophilic bacterium, thereby conferring the enzyme innate thermostable properties. Versazyme is also highly compatible with other enzymes and feed additives, so producers can maximize diets and formulate to optimize energy and protein utilization.